...You tell me...

Good morning bloggers...

Okay, here I am inside the exam hall for another invigilation..I have enough say about how much I hate invigilating, so I won't feed you with more hatred derived indirectly from me..It's not fair for me to invigilate everyday, and it's not fair for me to share with you my gloomy hours..

While I am invigilating, I came to think of something which is somehow quite disturbing..Maybe because I watched the Filipino movie last night..Okay, so, I think, in many ways, we come to know about ourselves by the choices we made..both in a large scale or a small interactions in our daily lives..We understand ourselves, and we define ourselves as someone who we think we are..We tend to identify ourselves as someone who behaves that way..

That is why, I think..Ok, I'm being a little opinionated here..not that I am, alright..The way one relationship ends has so much resonance to the next one..Okay, I'm struggling to put my thoughts into a well written and easy to understand entry here..hehe, I find it quite difficult..I have so many thoughts waiting to be let go..
anyway, the baggage we carry with us from one relationship to the next one has less to do with what happened to us..The fact is, if we really trust ourselves to handle any situation with self love, dignity, strength and compassion, we will carry no baggage...like no extra baggage on board..yeah..

If we left a relationship as a resentful person, we enter the next relationship looking for trouble..if we leave a relationship as someone who has been betrayed and taken advantage of, we enter the next relationship without trust...But..but..emm, if we can leave a relationship as someone who hears, understands and acts out of compassion for both ourselves and our partner, we enter the next relationship ready for love.. Hemm..as complicated as it may sound..It's again, all up to us..and how we want to carry it..So as to say, I don't wish to carry anything with me..

Now, I suppose, if we can use the dissolution of a relationship to define ourselves this way, we can move on freely..If that is not possible..like it's always is..we can expect to have to use the next one to again find an ideal version of ourselves..Wow..speaking like an expert..but, seriously..I'm as pathetic as the most pathetic person in the world..hehe..

Great feeling and I feel relieve after having said all these things..Now I can continue on with my invigilation..



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