Forget it..

There are times that I wish that I just had Alzheimer’s disease or permanent memory lost so that I could just forget whatever heartache or whatever pain it is that struck my heart..and forget all those people who have insignificant effect to my life anymore..Just in a glimpse, I just want to forget every memory of it. However, having said that, I know, the downfall of this is the fact that the good memories could be erased too..and I still want to cherish them..

I say, just give me regret as long as I can have all those precious times stored at the back of my mind. I know that somehow, time will come that I would no longer be regretful of the things that I did not do or the things that I have done. I wish life could be more simpler than this..But, anyway, I'm a good pretender..

IGNORE...that's the best I could do..


  1. Anonymous said...
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  2. XiGorX said...
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  3. ARTEo said...

    eerrrr.... i think that wireless is a spambot posting ads to people's comment la... got those few times

  4. ARTEo said...

    anyway, from a non-spambot point of view, i do think your post is likeable and your blog is very interesting, congratulations!

    A hug. hahaha

    yeah, that one friend... the one that you've not seen for ages but the conversation picks up like you just met the night before... the one that when the world scorns you for your potentially poor judgement, says nothing much but gives a knowing nod... the one to whom you need not explain yourself, but comes giving you a hug and says I understand...

    sigh... yea, i have one of those...

  5. XiGorX said...

    hehehe..ko ni, melancholic tul..hehe..

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