another random thoughts

They say what matters is not how good we are in keeping ourselves out of trouble but how well we get out of trouble after we have unwittingly involved in it. I agree without any single doubt..

After all, there can’t possibly be any one who can manage not to ever get into trouble..Not to mention what kind of trouble it is.. I believe that at some points in our lives, we find ourselves in situations we never dreamed of ever getting into, situations which we’d rather watch from a safe distance than be involved in. But, most of the time, we get ourselves involved in a situations only to find ourselves being deeply hurt and frustrated in the end..Well, I say, Life is like that..

At one point or another, we would succumb to temptations, commit mistakes, make wrong moves, and yes at the end, we failed. And very soon we find ourselves caught in a tangled web whose ending and beginning we can no longer pinpoint, and from which liberating ourselves seems impossible..and we start blaming ourselves for the damaged we have stupidly done..This is totally normal, everyone could really be a jerk sometimes..

Then we realize that getting out of our predicaments can be very difficult, and that not all of us have the courage, the determination and the will to get out of sorrow’s clasps. Move over, it seems that not everyone has them (courage, determination and will) can actually make it..Well, some do succeed, often after having been badly scathed with all their struggles, but some would fail and succumb to destruction.

What’s worse is that, even those who might manage to escape from the trauma they’ve been experiencing, in their struggles, lose something of themselves, so that, although they will still be the same persons who have gotten into and out of the delema, they will no longer be their old selves..Never again.. Somehow, they will be changed..

It's good to know that we have friends who care for us when we are feeling down..and it's good to have someone who we can trust and willing to be there to support us..Life is simple, all you have to do is..To live it to the fullest..

Be happy people..adios..


  1. ARTEo said...

    yeah... I'm the first...

    oh, I'm not in hehehhe....

    But anyway, dude, Kenny would not have been able to write anything like this... for this opinion, I'll give you 4 1/2 stars out of 5.... hey, nobody's perfect, right?

    You're right, man... you're right... now let me reread the post and digest...

  2. XiGorX said...

    domo arigato gozaimasu..hai..hehehe

  3. Anonymous said...

    wah pok..i have not seen you write this deep.. and passionate as well. Buli tahan writing ko ni..

  4. XiGorX said...

    hehe..besa2 ja pun tu..

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