
Has it ever occurred to you how much your ego, and emotions control your perspective of the things happening to you and around you? Have you ever wondered about how you might perceive things if you could be a fly on the wall that could move around and see all the angles and views of a situation, and the people involved playing their parts as it is unfolding, so you could understand better what is happening, without your own personal heart, logic, exhaustion, needs, anger and ego getting in the way?

You could be amazed at how differently you can see things when you really start letting go of your own personal point of view, and allow yourself to see the other person’s perspective, and really taking the time to look deep down inside your soul to find the answers to what is fueling your own fears so much, and what those fears really are.

Let go of your inner critics for once and be more human...


  1. Anonymous said...

    I agree. People should open their mind. Try to look at themselves from other people's perspective. It is impossible to see yourself through someone else's eyes, but I guess people just need to try to do that.

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