May His Soul Rest In Peace...

This was taken on Sunday, February 10, 2008..on his birthday..

I really thought that he was going to be ok..and that he will be able to live a normal life..away from any sickness..
The good Lord has taken back his soul last night..The long and endless suffering has come to an end..Living behind all the memories and dear love ones..My heart stopped beating for a while when I received the short text from Junior this morning..Only yesterday, I told Junior that Clay is going to be fine..I felt cold tears at the corner of my eyes..I really feel a great lost..Eventhough I only knew him just for a short time...
I cannot help but to remember all those times that Jr and I went to visit him in the hospital, and last February we attended his really grand birthday celebration..He was looking good, I mean, he was getting better...He went through the chemotherapy, and then the cancer recurred, terminal stage..and the Lord took back what is His..I remember again the struggles he went through. The better half, always suffers the worst..I, perhaps have only the slightest idea of what he is going through.. This is really sad..
Lord in Heaven, Master of the adepts, I give you all praise, blessings and peace. I realize that this mortal life is but a temporary way station in our journey, and what we call death is but a rebirth into another state of being, another leg of our trek home. I pray especially for the Spirit of Clarance, that it will make a peaceful and lucid transition into its next phase of reintegration. May the angels of the Lord assist and guide him through this period of change..I surrender everything in the name of your Holy Son Jesus, The Father and Holy Spirit..Amen...
Hi :-) Can I borrow one pic of Clarence for a post on my blog? Thank you.
Hi Mesh, Thank you for being a friend to my brother. Everybody is gonna miss him.. I'm going to miss him too.. very very much.
Hi Evelyn..He was a great person, and a good friend..Surely he will be remembered and deeply missed by us..