That's how it is...

When I look back over my life I can see lots of coincidences, lots of things that just happened and coincided with other things that then produced a good outcome...Sometimes you can see that actually these weren’t coincidences but events brought about by subconscious choice, but that in itself raises questions...Sometimes it is a set of circumstances that are already preset which then run into other random circumstances which make us speak of coincidences..

I read into things all the time. I overanalyze people’s words even when they are just electronic letters typed on a screen or messages sent through a cell phone...I replay conversations over and over in my head searching for meaning when it was just shallow nothingness...And I also wonder when random people keep popping up unexpectedly in life..Like recurring themes in an author’s style of writing, and reruns on TV...Is it some sort of mystical power system where people are strung together? Or is it just mere coincidences.

Well whatever it is..everything happens for a reason..I hope they are not too complicated...

Too sleepy..turus malas mau sambung lagi..hehehe


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