I'm currently into JAzZ
whoahhhhh...this is crazy, I woke up this morning with a song playing in my head..A jazzy kinda song..Me & Mrs Jones...Damn...When I reached the office today (o yeah, there was no traffic jam today as well..cool)..I rushed in to my office so that I can download that song and put it in my playlist..But then, the internet connection was pretty bad this morning, I don't have time to do it as I have Law class starting at 9..You see, whenever I have Law class, it gives shiver down my spine and to my every veins..This is not my subject of expertise..but still..its do-able..There's nothing I can't do...Yeah...Remember, I'm a wonderful and radiant person..hehehe..Anyways..Now I have few collections of jazz song..mostly from Michael Buble..and yess!! I'm gonna find more..of course I won't put them all in my playlist, coz they might bore those who don't listen to jazz..(Now..I really do Love Jazz)...hehehe...Feel free to listen to them ya..(Kalau mau curi pun ok, kestau ja macam si Jerry buat..hehehehe)...
Have a nicer day today..
Have a nicer day today..
fell free? hahaha...
yeah...buble rocks!! then again, buble is more to swingers than jazz, a fusion i suppose :)
i am gonna curi the buble songs yg sa teda aa :)
yaa..buble is more to swing..tapi ok la..lebih kurang juga...best juga di telinga ku..haha
JAZZ ??? sooo boring except NORAH JONES and EVA CASSIDY ... tu pun dorang lebih kepada blues jazz, kontemporari jazz dan folk bukan PURE JAZZ . Yang pure jazz korang patut dengar dari Billie, Ella, Sarah, Satchmo, Carmen, Abbey, Dinah, Nina dan lain2. Sedangkan Micheal Buble sendiri pun dlm kategori Kontemporari jazz sampai dia leh nyanyi lagu This Love dari Maroon5. Whatevaaaa :P
whatever...penting ka smua tu butakks?? nda kan..yg penting bahagia...hahaha