Weekends Madness & Events - Friday's Night..
Another weekends passed by, and I should say, the recent weekends were full of fun and entertainments..Well, actually, there's nothing much to say, I just want to share some pics taken throughout the weekends..
We went out to our regular watering hole last Friday..It was really fun, haven't been soooo crazy like this for so long..emm yaa..Hehehe..It was good that I've decided to take out the camera from the car and captured some great moments..Pheww..I didn't expect it, everyone was asking me to take their pics..and the next morning when I look at those pics, I couldn't help but laugh, coz I don't recongnize most of the faces..hahaha..Well, I made new friends, and its great..Everyone was having fun..Thats how we should live..hehe..I was a bit typsy when I was taking all these pics..but for the record, the pics turn out to be quite ok..Hehhe..Well, you guys have a look..aight...

These are my ex-students..Hemm..Well, they are not going to be in my class anymore..so, it was ok..Furthermore I wasn't drunk..Nothing to be ashame la..hehe
Gerard and Hazrain@Ten...

see...they were so happy..This was such a great moments with friends...

Gidong sama si Lumis..

The group next table..I don't know themm, but they were very friendly..So I took their pics..hehe

Ni pun totally strangers..I'm sorry bro, if you guys chance upon this blog, and find this pic offensive, pls let me know ASAP so that I can take it out..Anyway, this is a decent pic..my concern is, to some people, they don't like their pics to be published, especially without their concern..hehe..Well, let me worry about that later...

I stumbled upon these chicks (hehehe) inside the washroom..being a professional photographer (kavagu), sa ambil la pics dorang..They were all ready with their pose..hehe..funny

I think you guys know the guy in this pic..Looks familiar, right!! Sepa aa..sepa tau, tulung gia kestau sa..Sa nda kenal owh...Herhehhehehehe...

emmm..Sumpit and Tompok..Ehem...no comment..:)

See..cam adik beradik kan...si tompok and si Ps..Cam pakai uniform pun ada juga ni..hehehe

Sa nda kenal ni..dia suruh sa amik gambar sa amik la..Dia panggil sa bro, sa pun panggil dia bro..Bro Bro..whats up bro..hehe

Waah..begaya dorang ni..tension and stress turus sa tingu..sbb sa teda dalam ni gambar..hahahaha...

This guy is regular there..but never get to know him, sama juga..Bro juga nama dia ni..hehehe...

Samakan muka dorang..sbb this is Olumis punya sister and brother..thanks for coming ya..

Si junior and si Tompok our singers for the night..kan..hehehe
Sad thing is..I don't have pic of my own, coz everyone was too drunk to take my pic..Being photographer isn't cool..hehehe..kidding, I enjoy taking these pics..I was like a real photographer..hehe..
anyway, more pics on other events in my next entry...
We went out to our regular watering hole last Friday..It was really fun, haven't been soooo crazy like this for so long..emm yaa..Hehehe..It was good that I've decided to take out the camera from the car and captured some great moments..Pheww..I didn't expect it, everyone was asking me to take their pics..and the next morning when I look at those pics, I couldn't help but laugh, coz I don't recongnize most of the faces..hahaha..Well, I made new friends, and its great..Everyone was having fun..Thats how we should live..hehe..I was a bit typsy when I was taking all these pics..but for the record, the pics turn out to be quite ok..Hehhe..Well, you guys have a look..aight...

These are my ex-students..Hemm..Well, they are not going to be in my class anymore..so, it was ok..Furthermore I wasn't drunk..Nothing to be ashame la..hehe
Gerard and Hazrain@Ten...

see...they were so happy..This was such a great moments with friends...

Gidong sama si Lumis..

The group next table..I don't know themm, but they were very friendly..So I took their pics..hehe

Ni pun totally strangers..I'm sorry bro, if you guys chance upon this blog, and find this pic offensive, pls let me know ASAP so that I can take it out..Anyway, this is a decent pic..my concern is, to some people, they don't like their pics to be published, especially without their concern..hehe..Well, let me worry about that later...

I stumbled upon these chicks (hehehe) inside the washroom..being a professional photographer (kavagu), sa ambil la pics dorang..They were all ready with their pose..hehe..funny

I think you guys know the guy in this pic..Looks familiar, right!! Sepa aa..sepa tau, tulung gia kestau sa..Sa nda kenal owh...Herhehhehehehe...

emmm..Sumpit and Tompok..Ehem...no comment..:)

See..cam adik beradik kan...si tompok and si Ps..Cam pakai uniform pun ada juga ni..hehehe

Sa nda kenal ni..dia suruh sa amik gambar sa amik la..Dia panggil sa bro, sa pun panggil dia bro..Bro Bro..whats up bro..hehe

Waah..begaya dorang ni..tension and stress turus sa tingu..sbb sa teda dalam ni gambar..hahahaha...

This guy is regular there..but never get to know him, sama juga..Bro juga nama dia ni..hehehe...

Samakan muka dorang..sbb this is Olumis punya sister and brother..thanks for coming ya..

Si junior and si Tompok our singers for the night..kan..hehehe
Sad thing is..I don't have pic of my own, coz everyone was too drunk to take my pic..Being photographer isn't cool..hehehe..kidding, I enjoy taking these pics..I was like a real photographer..hehe..
anyway, more pics on other events in my next entry...
ehem stress ka atau inda dapat begambar sama yg tengah2 tu mesh la la la.. sa tau tu ada kasi keluar kamaaaa
mesh..berapa org bro ko kenal tu malam sja..haha....gila la wei...semua pun jadi bro..bukan kalo d sabah joe ka tu..atau ging..aha..
all of these pic remind me of my "younger" days..hmm having my friends all around me from mon-sun. hari khamis sudah start aramai tie..but now, tidak kira isnin ka, sabtu ka teda beza, di rumah duduk diam2.
p/s pinjam kawan2 ko 2 ka/ 3 xigor..buli? klu nda pun pinjam si angelo ja la..
PS..kasi kuar apa tu aa? teda..teda..teda yg terkeluar..hehehe
Wel..nda tau la wel..ramai juga tu..smua pun Bro..heran sa..hehehe..Di sabah pun Bro Bro juga ni bro..hehehe..
Urang ranau..aisehmen..as if you're that aged sudah..hehe..buli ba, kalau ko balik KK kita share2 kawan2..si angelo...emmm..susah sikit, dia kuat birak tu..hehehe
tapi si Clarice juga la kann...really one good looking creature...hehehehehe
ehemmm ehem....rupa sa jak yang natural tu malam....semua duah mabuk tu yang lain...khkhehehehhe
ya bah leo..kalau ko mau, sa buli tulung merisik..hehehe
bobby, jan juga ko perasan..hehe..ko punya muka tu sa kasi Photoshop sudah tu supaya nda ketahuan..hehehe..bulum lagi ko tingu gambar2 ko yg lain kan..huahuahua...
Mo tingu.... Mo tingu.... Mo tingu.... ekekekeke (nah matilah ko Bobby, sepa suruh)
bah nda payah lagi kasih kluar tu gmbr2 lain...hahahaha...pa ni kawan2 ko smua muka mabuk...kuyu2 dah mata durg...hahaha....
nasib teda muka sia wakakakakkaka...syukur la nakk
huh..nasib tda yg uwekss ahhh hehe
k, claire sa nda kasi tingu muka ko..sa kasi kuar muka si bobby..hehee..
sampin sudah bah Lumis..kalau minum2 begini sa nda uweksss tu..hehehe
Pit, sepa bilang teda muka ko? adaaaaaa bah...
dogoes---->kau mau tinguk minta si mesh hahahaha.....
clare---->men buyuk sama si PS...dorang minum cola jak banyak tu haahhaa
Lumis---->ya..semua jagoan tu malam...teda yang uwekkkk...khekehkhkehe
tapi paling jagohhh sia laaa...paling nda jagoh c meshhh....sampai belutut da minum air suammm...sampai kulit pun da bilang kurittttt...wakakaka...la la la
sa juga ba yg paling.....cool n steady...yg lain .....semua bikin stress....hahahhaha.....
apa minum kula oo tingu muka sa mirah2 da la la la takut kalah bah si bubi ni :P
aiks, cam mau repeat the story ja ni kamurang..bah, ujung bulan, kita organize lagi la kalau berani..pusas ada sudah, ikan masin..hehehe..tingu dulu sepa yg tumbang..teda alasan aa, bulum makan la, itu la ini la...huh!! Pitt...mana da sa belutut minum air suam, mana da sa cakap kuritt..pandai2..hehe
ya ampun mesh ko belutut minum air suam??wakakakkaa....opsss...
bobby, pa pula main buyuk, sy sama ps ada beli budka lagi ooo...ko tu yg men tipu...
yaa sepa yg belum makan tu kunu..alasan semata2 ciss....len kali jan bawa tu urg lg...wakakakaak
meshh..sa ada bukti ba...jan ko coba2 tuk menafikannya...
stakat cakap ja pitt mana ada org mau percaya..tunjukkan la..hehehe
itulah, tunjuk lah kalau berani, bukan mo cakap saja....
ekekekeke... (sounds batu api juga ka?)
Goes...mcm bunyi dia membatu apikan keadaan juga la..sip sa ada pili bomba dikat2..panas2 ja sikit, siram turus...hehehe
ya, tunjuk lah klu berani kan...<----tdk tau cerita tp mo jg join batu api..wakakkaka...
sa berani ni claire..jap aa..tunggu aa..hehehe
pa yg ko berani mesh??hahaha