In Loving Memories....

My hands are trembling, my heart is pounding...and I'm crying hysterically inside..I just can't let it out now..Tears streaming down on my face, not giving a damn to those people around me..I have just received a very bad news, and it has torn my heart apart...

Bobbi is dead...My dog Bobbi is dead..and I can't believe it..I'm still at work and I received an SMS from Jr..This morning before I left for work, I said to Bobbi that I will buy him 'nasi ayam'..his favourite food ever..He has not been eating much lately..But now he's dead..I only have four doggies left..

Last night I spent sometimes cleaning his fur, and for the very first time, he let me clean his ears..He wasn't struggling like he used to do..I wasn't playing favourite, but Bobbi was a very good dog..I feel a great lost..I've lost one in my family..and it hurts me..I don't know how am I going to teach this afternoon with teary eyes....

I'm cancelling my class..I need to go home and see Bobbi now...Nothing matters more than my puppies....


  1. Gidong said...

    HARAP2 POSTING KO NI GURAUAN SEMATA-MATA ... Baru sa sukung dia paling basar ari ahad masa kita makan tu uwaaaa uwaaaaa

  2. XiGorX said...
  pun harap2 sa bergurau..tapi nda la kali mau bergurau perkara2 mcm ni bah...huhuhuhu

  3. Gidong said...

    so sad ..... huhuhu

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