Angelo .. my new baby..
I have just adopted a new baby yesterday..a boy..a white one..and he's gorgeous, and charming..It was almost punch out time when my colleague said, he cannot take care of his baby..and he wanted to give him away for adoption..without any further question I said "yes"..So, I went to his house to see the baby..The first time I saw him, I knew,,I can't resist..I need to bring him home..He looked very friendly and very happy, he licked my face all over..and yes, I'm talking about a puppy here..Not human baby..
While driving home, I tried to find a name for him..The first name came across my mind was, ROcco..so I called him Rocco the whole night..and this morning Junior (who is also gila anjing) called me, he said...the puppy doesn't look like a Rocco, and he suggested Buddy..Well, he looks like a Buddy to me..and I agreed to call him Buddy..Few minutes later, Junior called me again..He suggested another name..Angelo..Hey,I love it..He has this angelic looks on his face..(as if i've seen an angel before)..but anyway, he is to be called Angelo..the American Sheep Dog..hehehe..
It's hard for me to concentrate today, I keep on thinking about Angelo and how happy he is playing with Yuki..(they are about the same size)..I can imagine the two running around the house playing chase me if you can and hide and seek..I wish I was at home now..I'm still sad, whenever I think about Bobbi..(the one who died)..Now I have 5..means, I have to go through it for five times..(shit...I shouldn't be having this thinking..)It hurts me just to think about that...
Alright..the pics will come up soon..
While driving home, I tried to find a name for him..The first name came across my mind was, ROcco..so I called him Rocco the whole night..and this morning Junior (who is also gila anjing) called me, he said...the puppy doesn't look like a Rocco, and he suggested Buddy..Well, he looks like a Buddy to me..and I agreed to call him Buddy..Few minutes later, Junior called me again..He suggested another name..Angelo..Hey,I love it..He has this angelic looks on his face..(as if i've seen an angel before)..but anyway, he is to be called Angelo..the American Sheep Dog..hehehe..
It's hard for me to concentrate today, I keep on thinking about Angelo and how happy he is playing with Yuki..(they are about the same size)..I can imagine the two running around the house playing chase me if you can and hide and seek..I wish I was at home now..I'm still sad, whenever I think about Bobbi..(the one who died)..Now I have 5..means, I have to go through it for five times..(shit...I shouldn't be having this thinking..)It hurts me just to think about that...
Alright..the pics will come up soon..
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