Ooo noo..I think I'm going to be sick..Been sneezing all day today, and now I have running nose..darn it!! I hate when I have flu like this..anyway, my parents reached KK around 1 pm, I picked them up and brought them to Grace point for lunch..I was surprised, my mum and dad ordered so much food, mcm dorang teda makan while they were in KL..My mum said, "makanan di KL smua pedas2..kin sakit perut"..OWw, that's why la pulak...After lunch, I sent my dad to Gaya street, to pick his new motorcycle..I think he has more than 3 motorcycles already..and I wonder, why he doesn't want to buy a new car..He says..his old van is still as good as brand new, Hard headed old man!!...Well..Whatever makes him happy la...
The drive back to KB was really challenging..I was sleepy all along the way, and my mum was sleeping like she was in a five star hotel's room...I know, she must be very tired..Once in a while she woke up to ask "ko ngantuk ka?"..and I said "nda la"...Lucky me..she was sleeping most of the time, and I have the opportunity to drive like the one you can only see in F1..Hehehe..If not, I can only go up to 80km/h..and I still have to go back to the office to punch out at 5pm...Ow by the way, it was already 3pm when we left KK...we reached KB around 3.45pm..waited for my dad who was riding his new motorcycle and then left at 4.05pm back to KK..I managed to get back to the office right on time to punch out..Haha..Hell, that was fast, and furious..Will never do this again...
I was really tired, my whole body is aching..Well,I have been working out a bit lately...and when I reached home, I was greeted by hungry dogs and puppies..Hilang penatku tingu anjing2 kesayangan ku..Hehehe..Was contemplating to go out for some beers alone tonight..but I don't think I would be feeling comfortable going out with running nose like this, so I decided to open the wine inside the freezer instead..and that will be done right after this...
okay, I'm done here..mau pi gym kijap...
The drive back to KB was really challenging..I was sleepy all along the way, and my mum was sleeping like she was in a five star hotel's room...I know, she must be very tired..Once in a while she woke up to ask "ko ngantuk ka?"..and I said "nda la"...Lucky me..she was sleeping most of the time, and I have the opportunity to drive like the one you can only see in F1..Hehehe..If not, I can only go up to 80km/h..and I still have to go back to the office to punch out at 5pm...Ow by the way, it was already 3pm when we left KK...we reached KB around 3.45pm..waited for my dad who was riding his new motorcycle and then left at 4.05pm back to KK..I managed to get back to the office right on time to punch out..Haha..Hell, that was fast, and furious..Will never do this again...
I was really tired, my whole body is aching..Well,I have been working out a bit lately...and when I reached home, I was greeted by hungry dogs and puppies..Hilang penatku tingu anjing2 kesayangan ku..Hehehe..Was contemplating to go out for some beers alone tonight..but I don't think I would be feeling comfortable going out with running nose like this, so I decided to open the wine inside the freezer instead..and that will be done right after this...
okay, I'm done here..mau pi gym kijap...
Sleep early pok.. Makan byk2 durian.. Buat 300 sit ups, 450 push ups and angkat dumb bell 100kg. Ko cepat sembuh tu..:-p
hehehe..yup..ok sudah baini..
ya hope the wine kin ko sembuh capat2 mesh...hehe