Why...? I mean why some people are like that..

On a regular basis, I face, read or hear something that makes me ask, “what is the matter with people?”. Usually, I follow that question up with this question, “I mean, really, WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?”. OK, maybe that’s the same question twice, but this sort of thing happens to me all the time...Each day I am astounded by how oblivious and heartless some people are...Something that is even more astounding is how people can flock to such a person like a magnet and not see what they are really like.. It is almost as though they have blinkers on and they can not question or worry what they are being told.. Now I don’t know if this is because they think the same way or because they are to worried to step up and say something, to clarify or to question what is being said or even how it is being said..

I work with one of these people.. It is almost as though the world revolves around her and her perfect world and perfect life and anything that goes wrong is always so much worse than what anyone else would have to go through, and if things go right no one else can be better.. Younger staff members (self excluded) seem to get stuck in her gravity field and end up thinking she is the next world leader and she can do no wrong.. And God help anyone who says anything bad about her because they can and will make your life hell, because obviously it is the younger staff with the connections that she draws in..Pathetic asshole..and I still consider this person my friend...emmmm....

Back to the topic at hand now that we have a bit of an idea of what goes on..These oblivious people confuse and worry me.. I can't understand how they do not realise what they do or say may hurt or upset people... How they think they are the next best thing to sliced bread...How they continue to assume that they can do no wrong and that everyone else must have a problem.
Is there a reason I am less tollerant of idiots than most people?
Is there a reason I am offended when I am disregarded?
Is there a reason I am upset when ignored?
Is there a reason I am the person that I am?

Seriously, since when do I care so much about other people..I have all my life to live and I shouldn't be bothered about other's..Now, it's just happened to be..she's getting so irritating each day..that I have to say something about it..Well, I'm not talking specifically about her only, but about other people in general..How sometimes people are just stupid..Yeah, I could be pretty much an asshole sometimes, if not most of the times..and I'm not the most eligible person to be saying things like this due to my imperfections..I am not one to pass judgement on others. But, in this case, I can safely say, I've got better common sense, I think (hehehehe)..

This doesn't sound like a happy entry...well, more happy entries would come next..Hehehe..

Bah good nite...


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