Sabahan Bloggers Gathering
Hey morning..It feels like ages since I last log in to my blog..hehe..Nay' it's only for 2 days..Well, lets see what I have in store for you today, first.. of course would be the Sabahan Bloggers Gathering, and another "mandi2 sungai" session with the crazy but fun to the max bunch of friends..
The S.B.G is over and done with, as one of the attendees, I should say, it has been a successful event..Congratulation to the organizing committees...I'm sure I have been introduced to them, but....alas!! I forget their names..hehehe..
..Well em..Made friends with few, I got to shake hand with the ever famours wedding photographer, Louis Pang..and hey, I think he is such a friendly person..Going around giving photography tips...Wish I won the lucky lunch date with him..hehehe..Kidding..Well, we came early on Saturday..The event was held on the 10th floor of the Imperial Hotel, a really nice place, cozy and the sunset was breathtaking..at least we got something for being the first 100 participants..But, hey..our lucky friend Bobby...dapat hamper bah si kawan..Pastu nda mau share2 lagi tu..Turus mau balik takut kena minta2 kan..hehehe...Anyway, kidding..It's yours..
There were a total of 150 attendees that night..Most of them are bloggers..It was nice to meet new friends, and to be able to share stories with them, but...I wish I was more friendly but I wasn't feeling like going around and making up new acquintances..so, I stayed with the group or the friends I know..Event wise, I think, everything was ok..Seriously, I have nothing to complaint about the event..Eventhough, there were times I felt like I need to get out immediately..Hehehe..
After the gathering, we made our way to Hunter's to get more fun time..It started quite slow at first, and when the engine kicked in..Everyone was having a great time..Now..I can see the true colors of these bunch of friends..Great company..
And the next day, we had another gathering..hehehe..with the same bunch of friends the night before..We had a simple BBQ by the river in Kibunut..Thanks to Jason for bringing the boozes..oo the wine..It tasted really nice..Sambil berendam sambil minum wine..I have never done this before..Surprisingly..Yesterday we spent almost 4 hours or maybe more..Berendam dan berenang...Best..
K la..Pics now...
1st n foremost... a great pleasure meeting up with u...
Should have chat with u.. tapi mcm me yg takut..wakakaka....
next time boleh sudah bertegur.. jgn la ko malu2..
alright..hehehe..now sa nda malu2 sudah..hehehe
ya bah..
ada si Qistina sms me yesterday bawa pg picnic with u all... BUT i was at Starbucks Ctmall with frens.. mau kasi hilang tu kogutanz.. hehehehe....
heehhee..kami sambung lagi tu di sungai..hehehe
ko lupa ka ni sa sama tompok pun dapat lucky draw :P he he he
ya bah plak kan Ps..ko menang mangkuk hayun, eh..mangkuk cantik, si Tompok manang final gift..External drive, vouchers and apa2 lagi tu Pok..hebat2..Kemajuan masyarakat butul kamurang ni..hehehe
sa malas oh ko kasi focus si alvin seja...jeles nie..heheh
ohh kamu adjourned pi Hunters pula...si alvin hafta join me with the rest of the organising committee sana Cocoon. :P
hehehe..anggap ja la tu photography sikil aa..hehehe...Kavagu..hehehe
sa manang stay di hotel lagi....jan jeles..hehhe tpi yg penting tergambar juga sama tu nuffnang punya hencem boy...heheheheh mcm padan juga la kmi 2....dua2 pun pakai baju putih hehehe...(Kavagu)....hilang stress bila sa tgk balik tu pic..