pics from my hp..
wow..I have more than 500 pics in my handphone..I was like..Man..alot la..This is what I love so much about phone with camera..I can take pics anytime, anywhere...But, some of the pics need to be transfered to another place..My handphone's memory stick can't keep them all anymore...
..I always wanted a phone with a camera, but I don't have the luxury like most people do..I envied those who have phone with camera..huhu..and 2 years ago..Someone just came to me and gave me one brand new sony Ericson..Hehee...Thanks aa...Call me vain, that's what I am..I take pics of myself while driving, eating, taking bath..kidding...hehe..well, basically..I take lots of pics..and when I look back at all the pics, they remind me of pond memories of the past...Let me share you some of them ya...kamurang enjoy ja la my pics, if you don't enjoy it..have the courtesy la to say..."I enjoy them"..ok...hehehe..Come on la be nice sikit..hehe..
Gidong di survay...pi test baju, Kunun2 saja..huh!!
Ps..Keciwa, "makanan sa nda sedap..."
Krisstan..Gurangak's cousin..baru kenal semalam ni..
Emmm...1,2,3 action...Olumis noh kopio...
si nell sama kawan dia..nda tau nama..hehe...
si Junior oleng2 di Cheers...Haha
Aren't they cute? Best friends ni dorang masa kici..
Bobbi and Rex at 4 months..Miss Bobbi so much..Huhuhu
when the lecturers got crazy..we don't have to wear like this to work, but there was one time, we made a deal..Everyone has to wear batik to work, I didn't..mine was barong...hehe
driving, not looking at the road, a puppy on the shoulder, a camera on the other hand...Dangerous..I tell you..Don't do this at home..eh, while driving..hehe
only the expert can do this..Camwhoring while driving..Haha
..I always wanted a phone with a camera, but I don't have the luxury like most people do..I envied those who have phone with camera..huhu..and 2 years ago..Someone just came to me and gave me one brand new sony Ericson..Hehee...Thanks aa...Call me vain, that's what I am..I take pics of myself while driving, eating, taking bath..kidding...hehe..well, basically..I take lots of pics..and when I look back at all the pics, they remind me of pond memories of the past...Let me share you some of them ya...kamurang enjoy ja la my pics, if you don't enjoy it..have the courtesy la to say..."I enjoy them"..ok...hehehe..Come on la be nice sikit..hehe..
There are many more..But I don't think I could put them all here kan..lagipun sa mau balik sudah..its 4.45..and I'm still inside the office..Sa rasa ni la yg paling lambat sa kuar dari office...hehehe
Anyway..I hope I didn't bore you with these pics...
i like... :-)
kiut nya si rex masa kici...
iyaaaaa jr? hehe sy byk d hp tp sy simpan2 lah dulu lalala
the pics said it ALL...
nice pics....luvr it..
suka la kamurang kan ada gambar2 kamu sini..hehehe
ini saja dari 500??? uh! lagilagi yg scandal pun kasi keluar jgn simpan nanti togoron tu ha ha
sa nda suka o ... tu pic sa bidaaaaa erkkkks nasib baik 5 tahun lepas huhuhu
sa ndak suka tgk...coz teda pic sa.hhuuhuhu
nasib teda gambar yg.....sbb sa tau mahala kama tu muka sa hahaha
lek kamu, jan stress...sa paham perasaan kamurang ni skg..hehehehe