Japanese Spitz...
Have I told you lately that I love you..opsss, that I love dogs..I'm crazy about dogs..I mean, seriously crazy..I just got a new puppy..Again..and this one is a medium sized puppy, or I think, she's gonna be much smaller than Bobbi..well, anyway, I don't mind the size..I just like to be surrounded by dogs, I mean, my dogs..Whenever I come home, they will jump on me, and when I sit..they will be licking my face all over..Nothing can top that..!!
So this girl Yukiko..I got her from my colleague..She is a Japanese Spitz..That explains her name..Yuki means snow..Yukiko means daughter of the Snow....

I was late for work this morning because I spent too much time playing with them...hehe
So this girl Yukiko..I got her from my colleague..She is a Japanese Spitz..That explains her name..Yuki means snow..Yukiko means daughter of the Snow....

I was late for work this morning because I spent too much time playing with them...hehe
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee so cute........ i mean the small dog not the big one haha... sa takut anjing tapi the small one mcm sa mau kodut ja tu idung da cute tul... mesh bawa ur yukiko next time jalan2 sa ahh mau gambar ma da sebelum da basar ha ha ha
wokey..no problem...
kiut...sy jatuh sinta trus...
When Yuki ada pups of her own...pls remember me and Alvin ok. LOL! Gerenti si Alvin geleng kepala knowing I want more dogs at home. LOL!
hehehe..ya ba, banyak sdh kan tu dogs tmpt kamu..hehe, but..no problem tu..
Waaa, habis la c Yuki oleh c Bobbi, Rex n Sisco..
Magandang tul si Yukiko tu.. Wakaka..
tu lah Fred, sa terpaksa kasi isolate lagi dia tu kalau sa teda di rumah..si Rocky and bobbi bukan buli percaya tu..hehe
That has got to be the cutest dog ever..Melted my heart there man..
yeah, sure she is..I just wish she could stay that small..hehehe..but, she'll definitely grow bigger...