an afternoon ramblings...
I don’t know how I fooled myself into thinking that a relationship can survive without trust as long as the love and desire is there, I was completely wrong. Trust is the single most important thing for a relationship’s survival because no trust means insecurities and insecurities means arguments and arguments lead to the loss of love, and thus the end of the relationship. Now that you know that no trust means disaster, how do you maintain the trust? Or better yet, can you get it back? I say it’s really hard to forgive and forget when you’ve given your heart to someone and they just trampled it and fed it to the dogs, but, I’ll be an optimist for a second.
I think respect and security are key to maintaining trust in a relationship because when you respect each other’s privacy, then your partner doesn’t feel the need to hide things from you. More respect means more sharing and less secrets. Also, respect that your partner has a life apart from you and doesn’t necessarily need to tell you every single, little detail of his/her day..I wouldn't be sooo nosy about it, well, at least I think, there's no need for me to know everything..Things you don't see, don't hear won't hurt..Is that really so?..Anyway..
Another thing is..it’s important to establish a line of communication by being confident that your partner will share and include you in all aspects of his/her life. If you are constantly scared that your partner is going to cheat on you and insecure of yourself, then that’s a huge problem. By being insecure you are constantly questioning yourself and your lover and that gets annoying. If you’re with someone, be confident that they want to be with you and be secure with your relationship and know that this person doesn’t have to be with you, but chooses to be..
For me, its pretty simple..Trust and obey..you know when you're being cheated, and once you know, then..act upon it..
I think respect and security are key to maintaining trust in a relationship because when you respect each other’s privacy, then your partner doesn’t feel the need to hide things from you. More respect means more sharing and less secrets. Also, respect that your partner has a life apart from you and doesn’t necessarily need to tell you every single, little detail of his/her day..I wouldn't be sooo nosy about it, well, at least I think, there's no need for me to know everything..Things you don't see, don't hear won't hurt..Is that really so?..Anyway..
Another thing is..it’s important to establish a line of communication by being confident that your partner will share and include you in all aspects of his/her life. If you are constantly scared that your partner is going to cheat on you and insecure of yourself, then that’s a huge problem. By being insecure you are constantly questioning yourself and your lover and that gets annoying. If you’re with someone, be confident that they want to be with you and be secure with your relationship and know that this person doesn’t have to be with you, but chooses to be..
For me, its pretty simple..Trust and obey..you know when you're being cheated, and once you know, then..act upon it..
I understand what ya meant dude. I never trust easily. In fact, I hardly trust anyone, even myself. I only trust God.
Bt the thing is, when we find its hard to trust a partner in a relationship eventhough they hard tried to prove that theyre trustworthy - then the problem comes from us. We usualy have trust issue from past relationships - especially when our past lovers has betrayed us.
But someone opened my eyes when I asked him why does he still able to trust others after being betrayed and he answered, "NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE BEEN BETRAYED, I'LL STILL KEPT ON TRUSTING OTHERS."
At first, I thought those words comes from a naive person, but as I look at him I realise he is a very happy person. He always have hope gleaming in his eyes, and eventhough he had been betrayed befre, he never stops believing in others.
Trust is truly the key to happiness.
Have a little faith my friend.
Yup, I trust others as much I can, I've been into that situation many times but believing in others isn't so hard to do..I guess you're right in every sense, thanks for dropping by..
In munkybrain's case, that someone is willing to accept disappointment from the people he trust...but disappointment is not everyone's cup of tea. Willing to trust means willing to accept disappointment and pain. But when trust is met equally, it is a satisfaction beyond words.
Just my two cents ;)
exactly, to trust someone means be prepared to be hurt..but, that's not the case all the time..aright..thnks chegu..hehe
But the thing is, he wasn't always expecting being dissapointed or being hurt from others.. he just lived up to trust and have faith in others eventhough the past has hurt him. He believed in the goodness of others and forgotten that he could be dissapointed in the future. He just continued on doing good things to others - because he had a heart of gold.
They say when we always resent others who we love because of the past it is either because we ourselves have sinned and we start to jump to conclusion - we will think negatively, we start to fear that what we do could be repeated by someone we love. The other reason is because we were hurt eventhough we have given our everything. But YES, it is not hard to believe and have faith in the goodness of others..especialy when we continue on leading and guiding their hearts. But what's more important is to believe in yourself first..thats where all the trust began.
wow..I think that he is doing what he's supposed to do..are you talking about someone else or yourself Munkybrain??
my good friend lol. i have trust issues myself but im constantly learning too.. :P although its hard, all it takes is someone or something to open our heart and eyes to achieve that point of realization in our lives :)