Boozy Night...

eh...where's....? emmm...never mind la...

We decided to have a regular night out, starting off in our watering hole, and then moved to another bar in town. The various drink taken cannot all be remembered but suffice to say there was a vast quantity taken, and it was fun to see some friends starting to loosen up thier buttons...hehehe...Man, these friends really know how to have fun..I wonder, why I can only see it now..Reserve..maybe...hehehe

Later on that night, after we have sung almost all the songs that we know how to sing in the first place we went to.. (not me, them folks..hehehe), we decided to hop to another bar for the opportunity to get even drunker..Well, all I wanna do was to dance..not so much into drinking anymore..but..It was hard to resist and hard to reject the offer from these good friends who paid for the booze...ughhh..It was up until closing time, only then we left, I was not that drop down and puking drunk, but at least my unconscious mind knows when I'm drunk, I'm not supposed to drive..hehehe..Looking forward for something healthy to do in the future..I think all the booze are shortening my life span on this planet earth...

That's all folks...


  1. Anonymous said...

    who loosened up their buttons aa? woii, bar hopping wasnt my choice aa. i dislike that place when it's packed and i couldnt even hear myself speak.

    ya baa...teruk oo tu urang yang blanja kita minum mau muntah2 suda tu la la la hehehehe

  2. XiGorX said...

    ya I can see it...from the way you dance...hehehehehe

  3. Anonymous said...

    teruk oo kamurang kan...nasib laa skijap jak sa juin kamurang hahahaha. nasiblaa sa nda pandai minum la la la.....hahaha

  4. XiGorX said...

    adedeh..ya bah..nasib baik lagi la (deiii)..hehehe

  5. Anonymous said...

    Bertobatlah selagi ada kesempatan ... amen

    Pesanan dari kawan lama ...

  6. Anonymous said...

    amen (full stop suda kaini??) hehe

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