It was an unexpected love!!!! or should i say a short but senseful love affair.hmm... whatever! all I know is that I've never been into this kind of relationship. She was a nice and sweet girl, I've never expected to fall in love with her for the fact that she has someone in her life(live in partner) but it all started when they're having difficulties in life that got into the point of giving space among themselves but stil living in the same roof!! but I wasn't expecting to be her crying shoulder all I want is to listen to whatever circumstances she's having at that time.

we go out together because we like the company of each other. Were really good friends. Time past when she started texting me sweet words and making me special but I always ignored those because of her status but when she told me that she's not with the guy anymore, only then i said yes to her, considering she's not my type coz im particular with my ideal girl, but I have feelings towards her I really dont understand why I fall for her... maybe that was called love coz when u love someone u'll accept her as what she is.

Judgment time had come. She was with the guy still.. but without my knowledge I just found out when I texted her and she's not the one replying but the guy.. giving me hurtful words that made me cry (no I'm not) I thought it was the end of our affair but she told me to hold on because she really loves me but confusion was my enemy, and I realized she wasn't meant for me but to someone else so I let her go to make it easy for her, and for me too. I dont want her to have nothing at the end. Eventhough we parted ways when I made this tough decision, she would stil be a part of my life and I will never forget it.


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