no Title...
the story of my recent Sipadan trip has expired..hehe..I mean, I get tired of it..It was fun, and I had the best three dives of my life in Sipadan..but I need to talk about something else..right?? hehe..Something which is more recent, or maybe..talk something more of my random thoughts..Well, if I have nothing else to talk about in the future, I will post some of the pics we took in Sipadan and Mabul... For more stories of our trip to sipadan check out these blogs...Junior's, Nel's,Kupi's, Tompok-Susan,Smallville....
Ow yess...Just for your information..There will be another trip to Mabul and Sipadan next year in February..I was informed by Josie@Kupi yesterday that she is going to organize another trip, and this time it's gonna be on the 28th of February 2009..Sounds like it's miles and miles away still, but...I'm in...If you guys are interested to go, submit your name(s) to her (Kupi) latest by December this year...Come la, the more the merrier..But, if you think you can't stand the heat of the sun or you can't live a day without your TV, cars, KFC, or Starbucks..then...think twice...maybe you're not fit for this...Hehehe..Kidding...
It's our college's final exam weeks now..starting today until Friday next week...and I am actually invigilating for an exam right now...I don't have to tell you how much I hate invigilating..coz, seriously I'm banging my head on the edge of the table right now...but, there's no history of lecturers die while invigilating, so I guess..I'll be fine as long as I keep my sanity...(I'm still thinking that I'm going crazy anyway...)
Well, anyway...I have one reason to be happy now..Next week I'm going to the Philippines again..to Manila to be exact..With Junior and this time Arteo is coming with us...Yeah..With these group of people I know exactly how this trip is going to be this time...Wild and Free...emm, Free?? I know it's gonna be wild but not too certain about 'Free'...Hehehe...I have been to Manila few times, 2 times this year alone..and I'm still excited..I think I could never get bored going there..It's new experience everytime..and this time, we're going to experience what Manila has really got to offer us..Gonna try Mary Jane this time and get real crazy...Well, we live our lives on once, should be glad that we can enjoy it to the fullest...
For now, I'm just looking forward for the trip to TVRC eh TRVC, anyway, it is in Tambunan this weekends..Gonna spend a night there...and get drunk, maybe..We'll see about that...Now, I think my life is getting better with all these fun activities lined up all throughout until the end of this year...even..until February next year...I don't have to think of anything or anyone else since I have all that I need...and that's all I asked for...Life is a blessing..
I thank God for He has given me friends...and I thank God for those who hate me..(if any)..
Have a blessed day today....
Ow yess...Just for your information..There will be another trip to Mabul and Sipadan next year in February..I was informed by Josie@Kupi yesterday that she is going to organize another trip, and this time it's gonna be on the 28th of February 2009..Sounds like it's miles and miles away still, but...I'm in...If you guys are interested to go, submit your name(s) to her (Kupi) latest by December this year...Come la, the more the merrier..But, if you think you can't stand the heat of the sun or you can't live a day without your TV, cars, KFC, or Starbucks..then...think twice...maybe you're not fit for this...Hehehe..Kidding...
It's our college's final exam weeks now..starting today until Friday next week...and I am actually invigilating for an exam right now...I don't have to tell you how much I hate invigilating..coz, seriously I'm banging my head on the edge of the table right now...but, there's no history of lecturers die while invigilating, so I guess..I'll be fine as long as I keep my sanity...(I'm still thinking that I'm going crazy anyway...)
Well, anyway...I have one reason to be happy now..Next week I'm going to the Philippines again..to Manila to be exact..With Junior and this time Arteo is coming with us...Yeah..With these group of people I know exactly how this trip is going to be this time...Wild and Free...emm, Free?? I know it's gonna be wild but not too certain about 'Free'...Hehehe...I have been to Manila few times, 2 times this year alone..and I'm still excited..I think I could never get bored going there..It's new experience everytime..and this time, we're going to experience what Manila has really got to offer us..Gonna try Mary Jane this time and get real crazy...Well, we live our lives on once, should be glad that we can enjoy it to the fullest...
For now, I'm just looking forward for the trip to TVRC eh TRVC, anyway, it is in Tambunan this weekends..Gonna spend a night there...and get drunk, maybe..We'll see about that...Now, I think my life is getting better with all these fun activities lined up all throughout until the end of this year...even..until February next year...I don't have to think of anything or anyone else since I have all that I need...and that's all I asked for...Life is a blessing..
I thank God for He has given me friends...and I thank God for those who hate me..(if any)..
Have a blessed day today....
yeaahh u rite..I HATE U...
you hate me??? Thank God..I thought you were.....emm..never mind...haha
nda pa...biar la sumpit hate u...uncle chang still love u..hahaha...we love u..iyahh
IYA mesh.....i love u n u n u .....mahal kita. wo ai ni....paduli la si sumpit dia mmg mcm tu hahahah
thanks aa nel and tompok..love u and u and u..hehehe
em memmm ememememmmemem...haku huka hamu huma..mc speechlesss ba ni..sump hnda hukup hulan hnya hanak...