Faces of me
I'm posting these pics in the name of vanity...well, I'm bored and I have nothing better to do in life..yeah, for the time being..these pics are funny aren't they? hehe...Well, they look stupid and silly too..Heck..Just for fun maa...ehehe
this is how I would like in the 50s..Wow..I look exactly like my Dad when he was younger.. Cool, actually I kinda like this..If only I was born much earlier..This would be me in the 70s and this is the extended version of me...
Hahaha...See, I don't need anyone to be there to make me laugh and blow my head off, I can always find my own entertainment..but of course la, this would be funnier in the present of my crazy friends...hehe
If you love to know how you would like in different eras, try this out
adui betul 2 sia konpius ni xigorx mo ketawa atau mo tepuk tangan..anyway u look hawwtt with shoulder lenght hair..old skool look.. ;)
ahaha..sia rasa paling cun yg 50an la mesh..haha...punya mancho..haha..
em sy tau la kau gila, tp ko blm buat tu muka ko firaun lagi...lalala masi geli2 ni puruts sy ni..speechless ooooo hahahahaha
hahahahahaha...jan kamurang stress...Hope this has made you laugh...
Wel, mancho kaitu mcm tu? sa rasa muka sa panjang cam kuda ja tu..hahaha