Wedding Photography

These pics were taken during my friend's wedding..si Engalbert...lama sudah la ni..September lagi...It was fun, I mean, it was a whole new experience for me...but of course, I'm still lacking a lot of skills...tapi nda pa..this is only my first attempt...
astagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mesh!!!si engal kawin pun ko nda ksitau sa??ini baru la kawan bah !!!
sa rasa kn Meshh..
ko mo ckp..
pasni giliran ko bh nie..heheheh
ba..ba.. :)
kciewa la sa nie..wkaka
sa rasa kn Meshh..
ko mo ckp..
pasni giliran ko bh nie..heheheh
ba..ba.. :)
kciewa la sa nie..wkaka
ko kawin sy lah ambi gamabr....amcm? jan susah nda lama lg pandai la ni klik3...
all the shots were superb dude !!! wish u could do the same for the o2c NTM photo shooting ...
jan insentif!
P/s. Kalu sia kawin next year, will u be my wedding photographer???
Hi Xigorx! 1st attempt ko tu biasa la bah....even US pro photographer dulu jadi assistant saja shooting wedding spent 6 years tu, baru dia rasa jadi pro sdah...tapi walau mcmmana pun,blajar photography teda penghujungnya...memang byk mau blajar la....so, dun worry...time can never tell bila kita jadi pro, keep on shooting saja la...
aikksss...Hump!!! Dia kawin dia nda kestau ko..astagaaaaaaa si Engal ni...tu baru la kawan ka Hump....hehehe
Doth..2 kali juga ko cakap kan..ba ba ali baba
buli bah kalau ko Lumis...ko pun terer juga kan..terpaksa la ko berkangkang2 ni...tuk amik shot yg menarik..hehehe
tu la bah Jason...nda tau napa tu O2C tu nda dapat buat sehbis baik..hehehe...Waa..My pleasure tu kalau jadi your wedding photographer...hehehehehe
Yup Vic..thanks for the advice...as long as you have the passion sa rasa buli baitu kan..hehehe
nasib 2 kali taw...kalu 3..siaPP laporan...AWAS!!!
sa yg pg rumah ko..wkakak
sooryy aarr..
terdouble send..
kesilapan yg tidak d singajakan..
buli mara tpi kaC manja²la kenen ko mara..wkakaka
pa sa ckp nie..
bak kat ko..babaalibaba
pandai ko ksi twist itu situation kan!!!very wise guy!!!
nice pictures you have mesh. si engal and si flora tentu puas hati with the pictures :)
did you took the pictures of 3 ekor penyu(s)? :)