Let go and start living a life...
Grudges and moments of stress are so hard to let go, they are hard things to pass off and just forget ever existed... I want to be self encouraging to let go when its not going to matter in, say 20 minutes... I want to teach myself that life does not have to be difficult to be amazing... It does not have to be hard, or a struggle... I am blessed with the things in my life that I do have and when yucky things happen, I need inspiration to not have to think about it anymore..
I need to remember that i will not always get an answer or explanation for things that happen in my life...sometimes things just don’t make sense immediately or ever...I let go of my hate.. It’s too tiring, and I was hurting the people I love...I needed to stop living in the past and start living in the present...
I need to remember that i will not always get an answer or explanation for things that happen in my life...sometimes things just don’t make sense immediately or ever...I let go of my hate.. It’s too tiring, and I was hurting the people I love...I needed to stop living in the past and start living in the present...
Let go and start living a life.. or just live?
npa uda ko nie..
ileks bh..hehehe..
dunt make our live too complicated'..
chett..ckp snang jakla kn meshh..heheh
be urself mesH..muaaaxxxheheh
girllyen : aah itu la tu...just live kan..sinang hidup..hehehe
aikm doth, napa sudh ko ni? rileks ni sa ni..hehehe..langsung nda complicated ni..huehuaheuakajajaja
okla tu mesH..
lawala ko meshh..
npa tu arr mesHHHHHHHHH?
life is short bah.. so.. just live la.. stress and pressure is a must in everyone life.. jadi.. bingung pun teda guna ni.. i was in dilemma sometime.. but when u laid down and look upon the sky.. how beautiful is our life.. we can talk walk and mocking each other.. while other people suffering with war.. disease.. and even stupid melamine dalam susu~ Teruk oo.. Mesh.. Senyum sikit? ;)
senyum2 la sa ni slalu..yg paling ceria la sa kalau ari Friday sudah..hahaha...thankssssssss