I'm going to try and do a little writing right now before I hit the sack tonight...I have not been really writing..ever since...emm..Hell, I don't know why I don't write that much anymore...I realized it, and it disturbs me..the only reason I started blogging in the first place was due to my love for writings...Even though I actually suck in this...Heck!! So you think you can judge me?? Nope..my life, my business...Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be rude here..Or maybe I am..maybe this is only one of the phases in my life that I think my personal life is all that matters to me...
KK has been rainy and haily these days so I'm not in a good mood..(a perfect excuse to be mad for no specific reason..) I don't know what suddenly got into me...The hiatus could have been my failure to change my blog layout...Hahaha (oooh, so now I'm laughing again...I really think I'm gonna be admitted to an asylum for such a stupid reason..)
I have been trying to give my blog a new look, and I have been working on it since this afternoon, I gave up..when suddenly everything went missing..and it took me a long while to retrieve everything back to their normal setting (I'm seriously laughing at how shallow my knowledge about these html or xml thingy..When I finally managed to get everything into normal position, I made a promise to myself, that I will never want to change my layout anymore...Unless...emmm...Unless...someone is willing to do it for me..ahaksss!!! not that I got sick and tired of the old one, but..I guess, it would be nicer if I could change the layout once in a while (I was thinking of changing it every once in 3 months..hahaha)..Why? so that I could be more encouraged to write? nope..so that people will come and visit my blog more often..again nope...Simply because I love changes...I'm not the kind of guy who gets bored easily...I could live forever with what ever I have..and seldom find myself complaining...Seriously, I don't have much to complain about everything...It's just a little changes that I love to see..
Or maybe...I'm just being jealous of some blogger's layouts...they are cool..and I want to be just like them..I mean, my blog to have something like their's...I don't know where this is going, and I don't know why I am being so possessed with having a new layout...??? I just really wanted to rant about this over and over again...I feel better now..At least I'm making a pact with myself right now...
If I am ever possessed enough to have my layout changed, it is going to be something interactive..and I will put on the header "READMEMORE"..Then everyone will feel the obligation...(aha...so, it's actually my vanity speaking again...aha...kidding)...I could care less or care nothing if no one is coming here to read...my life would not be affected..not a little..not at all...Anyway, thanks for dropping by here...I do appreciate it...
matulog pa ako..inaantok ako talaga ee....bukas pa aa....
KK has been rainy and haily these days so I'm not in a good mood..(a perfect excuse to be mad for no specific reason..) I don't know what suddenly got into me...The hiatus could have been my failure to change my blog layout...Hahaha (oooh, so now I'm laughing again...I really think I'm gonna be admitted to an asylum for such a stupid reason..)
I have been trying to give my blog a new look, and I have been working on it since this afternoon, I gave up..when suddenly everything went missing..and it took me a long while to retrieve everything back to their normal setting (I'm seriously laughing at how shallow my knowledge about these html or xml thingy..When I finally managed to get everything into normal position, I made a promise to myself, that I will never want to change my layout anymore...Unless...emmm...Unless...someone is willing to do it for me..ahaksss!!! not that I got sick and tired of the old one, but..I guess, it would be nicer if I could change the layout once in a while (I was thinking of changing it every once in 3 months..hahaha)..Why? so that I could be more encouraged to write? nope..so that people will come and visit my blog more often..again nope...Simply because I love changes...I'm not the kind of guy who gets bored easily...I could live forever with what ever I have..and seldom find myself complaining...Seriously, I don't have much to complain about everything...It's just a little changes that I love to see..
Or maybe...I'm just being jealous of some blogger's layouts...they are cool..and I want to be just like them..I mean, my blog to have something like their's...I don't know where this is going, and I don't know why I am being so possessed with having a new layout...??? I just really wanted to rant about this over and over again...I feel better now..At least I'm making a pact with myself right now...
If I am ever possessed enough to have my layout changed, it is going to be something interactive..and I will put on the header "READMEMORE"..Then everyone will feel the obligation...(aha...so, it's actually my vanity speaking again...aha...kidding)...I could care less or care nothing if no one is coming here to read...my life would not be affected..not a little..not at all...Anyway, thanks for dropping by here...I do appreciate it...
matulog pa ako..inaantok ako talaga ee....bukas pa aa....
aku ni peminat setia blog ko ba ging..jan ko risau..ko tukar cemana pun layout tu tetap jugak aku baca hasil nukilan ko tu..kekadang aku rasa ko mcm cut n paste dr internet ja segala kata2 ko sini, tp aku yakin semuanya tulen bah kan..tu yg aku suka baca blog ko ni..bnyk perkataan baru yg aku belajar..contohnya utk post kali ni ialah "hiatus"..hehehe..salute la aku sma ko mesh!!nda sangka aku ko ni berjiwa penulis!!!
Mesh.. gaveup uda ko mo tukar layout ko..
uSaha tangga Kejayaan ma..
Cuba jaya da lang matematik..hehe.
durang bilang kalu 1-2 kali tia pat..
cua ko try 1000x..mesti ko dpt jga..heheh
eee wtz im melalut ni...
ting tong jak la mesh..
Cam tu la hamp..aku ni sekadar menulis yg ku suka2 ja...kalau nda suka, nda tekeluar juga tu idea tu..hehe..
Ya doth..butul ko ckap tu..mama sa bilang pun begitu...sa cuma ada 99 percubaan lagi ni setelah gagal 901 kali..mau kasi cukup sampai 1000 kali kan doth...hinshinshins
ok bh tu 99x.
mcm teda sja bh tu ko...
tingu mama ko sma sa shatisjiwa ookn..
bulila sa mengurat anak mama kn..*larrrrrrikk...( pg dkat ko ) wkaka
sometimes when u need the things to be done immediately ...dia jadi slow or up side down...& yet sometimes when we do things patiently...things will wonderfully menjadi :) ...picayalah hehe
aiseh...pandainye cik lumis berkata2..makasih ya..hehe
ya kavaguu...kadang2 tu desire yg meluap2 vs ability tidak selari ba itu...huhu nda tau ko faham ka tidak hehe
sa faham bah lumis, nda payah la ko cakap lagi..sa nda mau juga tukar sudah ni...sa harap ko faham....WQkakakakaka
Bologos yg bagus nda perlu tukar2 layout ( sejak dia PUTUSkan layout pada pertama kalinya ) sebab Layout yang kita guna adalah IDENTITI kita .. melambangkan diri kita .. sama dgn manusia harus ada NAMA ( identiti ) .. tanpa identiti org mudah lupakan kita .. susah mau kenal kita .. tu pasal rasanya nda perlu tukar2 layout sampai 3 kali sebulan ( ianya risiko yg sgt tinggi utk kekalkan indetiti dgn cara demikian ) .. Bologos yg bagus juga nda perlu banyak sgt option dan nampak rumit, pengunjung rasanya lebih suka blog yg ringkas dan mudah seperti kita membaca ABC .. yg penting KEKALKAN identiti blog kita sebagai gambaran "diri" kita yg sebenar ...
Sekadar cakap2 kusung bah ni hahahaha
jadi, pendek kata..kita kekalkan la identiti kita, jan la kita sesekali cuba menukar layout, dan biar la org senang membaca blog kita semudah ABC...maju la sukan untuk negara...YEah..Caya la butak...
Susah tu kalau ko baca ABC dari belakang .. mulakan baca dari Z hahahaha
ya! jgn sampai IC pun tukar2..lg indada identiti haha
gidong and lumis...erksss...kamu ok ka ni?...kasi kawin kamu 2 org...nanti ada lagi pulak org yg keciwa...hahahahaha
byk laa identiti si gidong ni.. well.. i think ur layout is cool! (sebab sya punya layout pun sama juga.. ngah ngah ngah.. probably we have the same way of thinking.. past of it i guess) Hahaha.. what the heck am I talking here.. well.. i am typing.. not talking.. so.. just hear what my finger typed! If mau tukar pun.. tukar sikit sikit kaa.. sedap bah mata memandang ni black background.. Mysterious yet a lot to tell.. chewaa.. mamatai tii! apa sudah sya melalut.. sudahlah sasat masuk sini.. :D senyum sikit mesh..
pepandai jak mo kasi kawin durang..
kna sogIt taw ko...