
Drunken stories are funny..the parts that you remember, and the parts that your friends told you happened..well, this is my own version...hehehe...

Been out drinking again last night with some friends..Couldn't really tell how long it has been going on, but as far as I can remember, it has been for quite sometimes, there has not been a night that I am not intoxicated..Yupp..being intoxicated doesn't mean being drunk..Well, I'm not proud with myself anyway. Infact, after every drinking session's over, I regret having myself too intoxicated, and I have to drive home all by myself..And I know, drink and drive is never good..It has proven to be so dangerous..By law, you are not suppose to drive if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs..There are many cases of accidents caused by reckless drunken drivers..I hope, I won't have to experience such..And I'm feeling quite lucky that fate has been so good to me so far..
Okay, I was drunk, not fall down, vomit drunk,but just drunk enough to think of myself as being prophetic and insightful..and that is when you are at your most dangerous point..When the brain stop running, and yet the body keeps on running..the funny thing is, you will only feel the sore and the sickness the next morning..Hangover...Anyway, someone says this..seriously I don't know who..but, I kinda like it .. "he who drinks, got drunk, he who got drunk, goes to sleep..He who goes to sleep, doesn't sin..He who doesn't sin, goes to heaven..Since, everyone goes to heaven, lets drink and get drunk.." I read that long time ago since I was only but a small boy..and I don't even think that I'm gonna grow up and be I'm not..I only drink occasionally...Forget what I have written earlier on..hehehehe..


  1. Anonymous said...

    hahaha... pedas tu nasi goreng dia oh kann hahaha :D.

  2. XiGorX said...

    ya bah...nda abis sa makan...

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