The recent weekend was superb...being out in nowhere...Away from civilization...where everything is back to basic...It was tiring..especially the trek down and uphill..only to be surprised by a stream of water and not up to my expectation kinda waterfall...but nonetheless, it was fun..At least, now..I'm positive..Mount Kinabalu is just a piece of cake..Hahaha...For more stories or maybe Pics..Check out
Lumis or the
O2C's...Thanks to Mr.Clement (APARU HOLIDAYS) for inviting was indeed a very rejuvenating weekend retreat...Thanks..
It was actually an unplanned trip..We were supposed to have our first caroling practice at home, but then...I received this most tempting invitation from Clement..Thanks to the O2C members who have come to join us...For those who were not able to come, don't worry, there's always next time...hehe...
bah, check out these pics...mana tau kamurang berminat mau pi sana next time...hehe..

source of light after the generator is off by midnight...the place would be pitch dark...sambil, duduk2 di serambi bercerita pasal hantu...Feel siut..hehehe
Look who is eating? haha...thanks to Sumpit yg berusaha sedaya upaya tuk BBQ tu chicken wings..thanks to Gidong and Ollen tukang kipas..and thanks to me tukang marinate..without whom..dinner wouldn't be that nice...hahaha la yg berlaku sebelum makan tu...hehehe...

this pic was taken the next morning..surprisingly, everyone woke up quite early..Junior and I woke up at 6.15 to watch the hornbills...there were a group of about 15 of them approaching the observatory tower, but we were so excited that we shoooed them away..kwang3...Nature rule..If you see any rare species..SHUT UP...hehe..Max told me that...
This is the kitchen...there are two of them...nice space...
This is the hostel...well it looks like a hostel to me..the double decker beds remind me of boarding school...

Yang paling begaya tu pagi...Si sumpit dan si Ollen...

Right after breakfast, we had this so called community work...terpaksa naik bukit lagi mau pi tepi jalan and then moved the signboard so that it would be easier for passers by to see...

Menuju puncak...Bobby cam Roman Kapisan sudah ni..kwang3 that the best you can give...tingu si lumis, zouuuu noh diti ka boh...hehehehe

perut ka lagi tu bobby? huh!!!

"we're still in the running of becoming o2c next top ten"...hehehehe

yeah...digging holes...saya seperti biasa mengarah ja...Kurik dalam lagi...kalau ada batu, kasi pindah pi siring sikit...hahaha

emmm...bobby, perut mu sungguh nda senonoh..tapi, whatever!!! kan bobby..huahuahua

besa la kami...asal ada camera di depan..Pose...tarik nafas...Pose..Don't smile..Pose...Yeahhhh

We're done...tapi, mcm nda balance ja tu...emmm..sepa punya karaja tu aa?...terpaksa mau balik pi sana ni mau kasi bagus tu...emmm

Dorang separuh nyawa mau angat sa sama bobby menari poco2...sungguh supportive kami berdua ni..hehehehe

Bobby : Tingu, tu lah mesh merajuk sudah..(tunduk bawah tingu tanah sambil tahan airmata)
Clement : (sambil menangis)..bukan sa singaja baitu...huhu
Donna : ba ba ali baba..saya inda tau...
West : ada2 ja kamurang ni...
Seriously, sa nda tau pun apa yg berlaku..hahahahaha

Trekking down hill in search of the promised land...emm the waterfall...It took us about 45minutes to reach the waterfall...

and, where's the waterfall?..emmm

sepa dapat teka kaki sepa yg jadi mangsa keadaan bagi satu balang pacat...bukan Pijat aa Bobby..hahahaha

di mana jua kami berada kami akan sentiasa camera friendly...Pose..

Yup, i know, it's nothing to's all jungle here..but, I love it.. masa mau balik sudah..singgah pi mandi sungai..Sungai Kinolosodon..a story was told about the river..and how it got its name..tapi malas la sa mau cerita sama kamurang ni...


cantiknya bunga yg si west ambil ni...hehe

Bobby menunjukkan keterreraannya bermain king2..jan tingu body, tingu powernya..kan bobby..huahuahua

sa rasa kami la paling comel masa tu..wakakakaka

7 putera bunian turun ke bumi tuk mandi sungai...its a rare opportunity that one get to snap this scene...hehehe

saturang putera bunian baru sampai, sayap dia ada masalah sikit..skg, 8 putera bunian sedang anjing laut pun ada ni dorang ni..hehehehe...
ok la...sudah2 la tu tingu gambar....slmat maju jaya smua..hehe
wah yg mandi2 tu gebu2 jga kan hehe
cantik - cantik gambar kamurang pren.. :) siok juga kah d sana? sejuk waktu malam? hehe.. ada itu bikin 'panas' juga kah di bawa? hehe.. oookn tu tmpt..
tenang jiwa..
tp ada satu part tu pic.
buli ko sma boby ndak menulung,..wkakakak
Lumis...ya, gebu2 ja nda berapa...wakakaka
Pirut..thanks la kio..tu gambar2 tu di ambil oleh si Junior, some saya ambil, and some si West...Sejuk juga la, nasib baik sa ada lemak tepu..wakakaka..dan ada juga kaka si lumis bawa tu kin panassss....jadi tepanas juga la sikit2..hehehe
Doth...siok la..aman damai tenang jiwa..burung2 berkicaun sambil menyanyikan lagu rindu...hutan rimba hijau sedap mata memandang...di kala pagi, embun membasahi dedaunan menambahkan lagi kehijaun dan kesegaran alam semula jadi ciptaan yg Maha Esa....hahahahaha...(kira mau bersajak sudah tu...wakakaka)
sa plak takut ko pndi bersjak sda..heheh
waa..ada juga bh tu 'Kin Panas"kn..heheheheh
tetapzz jiwa tenang ni kalu d