my old pics
We had few cans of San Miguel last night...it reminded me so much of Manila...Heck...I miss Malate...hehehe...Nope..It won't be long, we're gonna have another trip there next year...When I reached home, I started looking out for my old album...Haha..Looking at me 10 years back was really funny..I couldn't stop laughing....I was as black as ba ba black sheep...skinnier as if I was a junky...but seriously, during that time around, I wasn't considered as ugly...maybe because everyone was as ugly too, ya....Anyway, I prefer the way I look now..although, I wish I could retain my figure 5 years ago...hahaha...
Have a laugh at these pics....hehehe
This was taken yesterday....and that Angelo my naughty boy...
This was 5 years ago...I was still in Shah Alam...Working in a hotel...
Aahh...see, this is my second semester Diploma...blurry la coz I take pic of my picture...hehe
Have a laugh at these pics....hehehe

wahhhh ko dulu kan :
1. balah tangah
2. mcm lagi itam
3. mmg lagi kurus tu kaki, tangan, muka
4. sinyuman la tatap masi sama
yg len sy nda tau aapa yg ubah, kali mmg pengurat dr dulu wkakaa
sekius me...pengurat ko bilang....bulum penah lagi sa mengurat ni...diurati penah la...kikikihihihi
Hmm..after looking at your pics with those hair..mcm ter'flash-back' yg sy pernah nmpk ko di UiTM tau..hmm. Ko same batch sama durang Victor Gondipon ka tu?
And yes, balah tangah batu bertangkup juga la kan..haha..Kewl!
mmm sa rasa lagi bagus ko gumuk dari ko kurus he he he
Gur...ko nampak sa punya gambar dulu baru ko ingat sa la kan..hehehe..si Victor nopoh nga..senior sa...hehe
tu la PS, sa suka sa skg ni...hehehe
sa rasa skrg terlbih mingkikut oo meshh..
ngam lg ko butak² dri ko ada rmbut..hheheh
tergugat ma saa..hehe
aiseh men...si doth tergugat kenen...pa sa mau lawan ko..rambut ko panjang..lebat..ikal mayang sari lagi tu...hehehehe
OMMMGGGGGGG !!!! punya itam kau dulu2 meshhhhh !! kotigog my hat nampak ....
nanti sia kurik2 old pic sia ... jan korang pengsan suda kik kik kik
sa pun kotigok bah jason..huahuahua..bah, cuba gia kasi kuar tu gambar2 ko..hehe