A TaG that Motivates You To be A CamWHore...
I was tagged by two friends...at almost the same time...waaa...(ada jodoh ni....tapi 2 2 pun 'batang buruk' so....lupakan la niat kamurang tu aa...hehehe)...Thanks to Hamp and Wel...(akan ku cuba sehabis baik tuk buat tag kamurang ni..) well..em, I guess this one is pretty simple...easy, in the sense...you're only required to take some pics, but at the end..you'll only be posting one pic....Naaah....Wel, cuba dulu kenen sa buat ni...hehe....I don't have problem doing this...coz, I think I'm sooooo much of a camwhore myself too...huahuahuahua...Plus...I'm vain.....right!!!!
The rules are....
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right NOW!.
2) DON'T change your clothes, DON'T fix your hair...just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
5) Tag 10 people to do this
The rules are....
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right NOW!.
2) DON'T change your clothes, DON'T fix your hair...just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
5) Tag 10 people to do this
I'm at work..there's nothing much I can do about the background...Wel...nda cukup rock ni..don't look horny too....ada muka lecturer yg melampau ka? eheheh...
Hamp...puas la hati ko? sudah ku buat ko punya tag...len kali ada tag lagi....KASI TAG LA AKU.....hehehehe
And...like usual..all the tagging games will end here....hehehehe
ko nda aci bah..spatutnya masa ko kena tag tu trus ko sahut cabaran..pandai ko kan tunggu time masuk opis baru ko mau sahut tag ni..mimangla nda thrill sudah bg ko..hehehe..apa2 pun mimang ko potojenik bah..apa mau risau kan??
photojenik tu pa hamp? lalalala....hehehehe...manada, baru ni ari sa check blog ko...naah...thrilled ow tadi...sip lagi besa sudah kan....hahahaha
haha...wow..mimang mcm2 ada tu lecturer pelampau dan terlampu suda ni..haha...betul2 neutral la kali ni mesh..inda rock..inda horny..mimang sia tau suda ba tu ko suka begambal gambal..haha..tula sia tag..thanks bro..haha..cool..
cool bro...ensom juga ba..ops ko terkecuali tu rules #2 to...hehe no hair to fix hehe. but still macho look ba ko...isk mcmana la student ko mo tidur malam dengannyenyak bila lecturer dia mcm ko ah? kekekeke...
hahaha wel..neutral la kan..hehehe...naaah, nda juga kuat begambal la wel..kurang2 sudah sikit...kavagu la..hahaha
Reno..jan juga ko cakap gitu..malu sia...hahaha...thanks bro..I take it as a compliment..hahahaha
ada txcdent tjumpa xstudent ko dulu..dia blang intro ko nopo "jgn kasi katwa sora sy" lalalaala nitemare turus student huhu
hahaha....tgk smpi skg dia masih ingat lagi...tu la kelebihan husky voice...kavaaagu dau la....