6 red roses and Truffles....

"Oh the roses are so lovely.. thank you so much, dear. So why did you give me fifteen stalks?" the girl asks. "Huh? Hmm... well just thought the bouquet look nice with fifteen." Ha you just got yourself shoot!!

The meaning of roses...the color of roses.. the number of roses each has got their meaning.. Do you know that 11 roses represent "You are my treasured one, the one I love most in my life" whereas 15 roses represent "I am truly sorry, please forgive me"?

Now isn't that a total twist of the meaning for the roses you gave? What had meant to be a message of love has just turned into a message of apology.. implying you were guilty of something?

Today, I received 6 red roses...beautiful, even though I am not so much of a flower person, but I know if the roses are beautiful...and what does six red roses mean?..well, you find out...for now, let me just sink into the past and reminisce bout the good old times...

thanks...its such a sadly perfect closure...and we'll remain friends...the friend that I love and care always...


  1. carolchs said...

    kalau sa kena kasi bunga, mana sa paduli tu mo kira...lagi byk lagi bagus....yg penting jan kasi sa bunga tai ayam sdh lah ;p

  2. Qhris said...

    cuba kasi sa nantiiii roses bebeh :P ...hugs touching entry...its deep meaningful ...

  3. XiGorX said...

    Carol..ya bah kan, kalau bunga tai ayam, langsung nda kena tingu, mentang2 dia punya nama ada "tai"...hehehe

    Bebeh...hugs..Move on...

  4. XiGorX said...

    Carol..ya bah kan, kalau bunga tai ayam, langsung nda kena tingu, mentang2 dia punya nama ada "tai"...hehehe

    Bebeh...hugs..Move on...

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