the real me...

it's a long and winding road that leads to the point of no return..those who walk slowly but steadfast will surely reach the end and get their rewards and be joyful..I wonder, in my course of life, what have I achieved so far..? Looking back all over the years, I think, I have gone through lots of things..some that made me laughed, and some that made me cried..But, I'm still pretty much the same person that I used to be..Not that I wanna be someone else, I'm comfortable with myself..But, it's just a small changes that I wish I could see in me..a betterment in life..

I've seen many things that I have never seen before, went to places that I've never been before and make friends to those who were strangers to me before..Yeah, I guess I'm living a normal human being life..Should be thankful enough for all these things..I realized, as I grow older, life demanded me to be more responsible, and that very thing, I have less commitment on..and always find myself failed to comply..I guess I'm only being responsible to those whom I care about so much and to those who pay my salary...Having said that, still..I'm not satisfy with my life..Well..again, I'm being only human, with endless needs and wants in life..

Haven't been back to my parent's for quite long..I guess its ok to just come by and meet them whenever they are around town..Go for lunch with them..even for a brief seconds..I guess by just calling them once in two days will make it up for them and they'd be happy..Well, I guessed wrong..They called me up, and asked me to go home..I always did...but only for a day trip..and that doesn't make them any happier..They want me to go home and spend time with them..This is what I'm looking for now..I'll make time for them..and I think, Its one of my responsibilities to make them folks happy..Eventhough, as a child, I'm used to be the last one..I'm not complaining..I grew up to be a happy man today..

Sometimes I see my life like an animated series of misery..I pretend that life is beautiful,and as if I'm walking on my own cloud 9..People think that my life is full of fun and I have nothing to worry about in life..Only God knows how..and only God understands why..He understands my deepest parts more than I know myself..I thank God for giving me life...I don't like people to look at me as if I'm indeed in need of help and sympathy..And don't want people to know how weak and fragile I am emotionally..But, sometimes..I cannot fake shows...I only share my life stories with friends, close friends and love ones..but never to my family..I think, It is much easier and I could actually be more expressive to my friends than to any of my family members..

Now that you know..doesn't mean, you can judge me..Coz I don't care about what you have to tell me about my life..I live and rule my own life..I follow orders whenever I feel like it and tend to forget those who doesn't have significant impact to my life..I'm sorry..But YOU, who have special place in my heart, I put you on top of my any significant others...For as long as you want me to..and I'm happy just to be with YOU.......


  1. GuRaNgAk said...

    Nice one dude. A friend is something we need in life, but Family is something we can't live without. So treasure your friends & family while you still can. As the saying goes, we never know what we got until th day we LOST them.

  2. XiGorX said...

    yup, very is like that, kan.....

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