He's getting Older.....

My dad was here yesterday, I mean, he was in KK, so I took the chance during my lunch time to meet up with the man I love so much in my life...As I walk down the stairs from my office, my mind started working on possible and logical excuses to tell my dad for not being home as often...emm, dad, I'm quite busy these days...or, dad, I was home recently la....or, dad...I'll be home for a week on Zale's wedding...those kind of excuses....and I was glad, and I know that I can get away with either one of these excuses...

I walked slow, actually, still thinking....and then, I saw him, I saw my dad waiting for me at the corner of the block...he smiled when he saw me, and it was clearly visible to my eyes that he has aged...He looks healthy though, and that I know he has been watching his diet very carefully...His face is radiant, but even with his charming smile, he can't just hide all the wrinkles on his face....It made me so sad suddenly to realize that the man who has raised me up is getting older....

This is normal...I'm not getting any younger myself...and I can't stop myself or anyone else from aging...I used to wake up crying when I was young whenever I dream about my parents being old and about to leave us...and I remember praying to God, to let my parents stay young and healthy...well, at least I'm relieve that my parents don't drink nor smoke and they don't have any serious health problem...I'm so proud of them...

I gave my dad a little pat on his shoulder and we walked side by side...talked about life, about my work and he told me things back home in KB...I don't remember when was the last time we had a long chat...I'm missing a lot of things...my childhood memories, the image of my dad when we were younger...the way he raised us up...all are priceless....I don't wish upon stars or moon that I could stop time for a while and stop him from getting even older...I just wish I could have more and more memories with him..and of course with my mum....I love them very much, they are my life....

Sipadan Mabul Pics...the unedited

check out some of our pics


Sipadan Mabul Pics...the unedited


Mabul Sipadan Trip

Not long after the dives Junior and I had in Cebu.. we have another one last weekends.....It was fun, much better than Cebu.....of course...we were in Sipadan....Well, I have been there few times..4 times to be exact, and now...I'm missing Sipadan already...Hahaha...

Thanks to Kupi for being very resourceful...I was a bit dissapointed actually, when I was told that we might not be able to dive in Sipadan due to permit limitation...but, at last...we managed to go to Sipadan through another operator....

Getting into the water with all the diving gears was so great...I was very excited about seeing sharks and turtles again after being quite dissapointed with the dives we had in Cebu just few weeks before...With my very little diving experience I think, Sipadan or even Mabul are by far much better than any other sites that I have been to...(as if I'm a seasoned diver...ahaksss)...

We did our first dive in Mabul at the Bungalow Reef...I wasn't really excited about it though, because I knew there would only be Jacks, Nubbybranch, and those little marine life...Muck dive, and the visibility is not that fantastic....anyway, it was fun, with the underwater camera, I have found a new interest....I have to admit that it is not as easy as taking pics on land where perfect bouyouncy is not required...trying to stay still while snapping the clown fish or the nubbybranch has shown me a great challenge, and I realized...I'm not that good yet....huhuhuhu....

We were supposed to have 3 dives in Mabul, but Junior and I skipped the last one to join the snorkerllers...after lunch, and after the rest of the divers went on their last dive in Mabul, we went to the newly built jetty nearby and had the best time of our life jumpping off the jetty...it was really fun...Yeah, at least for me...I have been there 3 times before, but have never done this..It was still hot but none of us cared....we stayed there until the sun was setting, took some more pics....laughs, got crazy and at last..it has to end...hahaha...Going back to our room in Billabong Scuba is quite a challenge, tired and hungry to the max...

After the dinner, we sit around on the dock with me playing the guitar...it was fantastic...I miss that part of the trip...and then....Yeah......we were in Uncle Chang's..Got really crazy, as if we were on drugs...hahaha...We were already jumping up and down even before we started drinking....Hahahaha....

Emmm....banyak lagi bah yg sa mau cerita, tapi telamapu panjang...It will take my days and days to tell everything..so nanti sa kasi tu link so that you can see our pics la kio..hehehe

Yg amat Malas